Court blocks Trump administration’s attempt to delay Obama anti-pollution rule

‘Donald Trump’s latest effort to block environmental regulations pushed forward by his predecessor has found a foe in the federal court systems.
A federal court has ruled that Mr Trump’s effort to delay an EPA rule to limit methane pollution from oil and natural gas drilling, which was signed by former President Barack Obama. The US District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said that the argument laid forth by Scott Pruitt’s EPA that the Obama administration had skipped over procedures for stakeholder comment didn’t stand up to scrutiny.
“The administrative record thus makes clear that industry groups had ample opportunity to comment on all four issues on which EPA granted reconsideration, and indeed, that in several instances the agency incorporated those comments directly into the final rule,” the court ruled in a two-to-one decision.’
Read more: Court blocks Trump administration’s attempt to delay Obama anti-pollution rule

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