DMT and the Spirit Science of Breaking Through the Illusion of Reality

‘An accounting of the matter that makes up the universe reveals that some 73% of it is made up of dark energy, and another 23% is made up of dark matter, neither of which can we see nor understand. When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us.
Furthermore, the human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. This is that tiny portion we refer to as visible light, yet EM radiation is literally everywhere, existing as radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays and magnetic fields, permeating all things.
As human beings the perception we have of ourselves and our place in the vastness of the universe is severely distorted. Our reality is built upon a very small fraction of the total information surrounding us. We live and function under the power of a tremendous illusion crafted by the senses and the brain, which do their best to give us a functional version of reality from just a small percentage of the entire information available to us.’
Read more: DMT and the Spirit Science of Breaking Through the Illusion of Reality

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