Donald Trump praises his son for releasing explosive Russia emails: ‘He is a high quality person’

‘Democrats quick to jump on release of emails, calling them ‘explosive’ and claiming they show collusion between Trump campaign and Russia.
President Donald Trump has praised the transparency shown by his eldest son, Donald Jr, in releasing emails where he said “I love it” to what he had been told was an attempt by the Russian government to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential election campaign.
Mr Trump’s defence of his son comes despite the fact that the emails increase the pressure on the White House over a number of investigations into potential ties between the Trump team and Russia. The release of the emails, via Mr Trump Jr’s Twitter account, appear to have been forced by the fact that reporters were lining up a story disclosing the contents of the messages, amid a mounting controversy about his previously undisclosed meeting last summer with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who has been linked to the Kremlin.’
Read more: Donald Trump praises his son for releasing explosive Russia emails: ‘He is a high quality person’

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