Egypt blocked UN sanctions against Saudi branch of ISIS: Report

‘Through two successive objections, Egypt reportedly managed to keep the Daesh terror group’s Saudi offshoot off a United Nations terrorism-related sanctions list.
Reporting on Wednesday, the Middle East Eye (MEE) news portal revealed that Cairo had raised objections both the times the world body received a proposal to blacklist the branch earlier this year.
The last time, the Egyptian mission formally objected to the inclusion of the Saudi branch on the sanctions list back in May. In its obstruction of the proposal, Egypt was also joined by Senegal.
Previously, it had said on February 3 that it wished for the UN to “put on hold…the proposal of the United States of America to add ISIL (Daesh)-Saudi Arabia” to the list.
The stonewalling apparently resulted in the scrapping of the proposal entirely, and Cairo was reportedly not asked to provide any justification for its objection.’
Read more: Egypt blocked UN sanctions against Saudi branch of ISIS: Report

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