Egypt revokes visa-free travel to Qatar nationals as Turkey sends more troops

‘Egypt has scrapped visa free travel for Qatari nationals amid the ongoing diplomatic crisis between Qatar and four Arab nations. Turkey has meanwhile pledged to ramp up deployment of its troops in Qatar despite the quartet’s calls for them to be expelled.
Egypt announced Monday that it will suspend visa-free travel to Qatari nationals, the latest punitive measure introduced against Doha for its alleged support of terrorism and meddling in the domestic affairs of other nations.
The introduction of the new visa regime, confirmed by Qatar’s Foreign Ministry, will however, not affect Qatari students studying at Egyptian universities or spouses and children of Egyptian nationals, Cairo said.
“It does not make sense to keep making exceptions for Qatar and giving it privileges in light of its current positions,” Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said Monday, according to Reuters.’
Read more: Egypt revokes visa-free travel to Qatar nationals as Turkey sends more troops

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