EU backs migrant restrictions despite criticism

‘The European Union has decided to extend financial support to Libya to stem the flow of refugees headed to the EU.
EU interior ministers decided on Thursday that giving money to Libyan officials was the only way to stop the flow of asylum-seekers headed from the African country to Europe.
“Tens of millions of euros of project money have been allocated to rebuild the Libyan coast guard, increase the ability to perform sea rescue operations, and this crisis will only end once it can’t get beyond the Libyan coast any longer,” said Estonian Interior Minister Andres Anvelt.
Anvelt is chairing the EU interior ministers’ gathering in Tallinn, Estonia on Thursday and Friday to discuss the rising numbers of asylum-seekers arriving in Italy from Libya.
The EU interior ministers vowed to crack down on the countries that refuse to take back their nationals when their asylum bids fail in Europe.’
Read more: EU backs migrant restrictions despite criticism

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