FBI allowed to hide details of secret 9/11 report – judge

‘A South Florida judge ruled the FBI is not improperly withholding information about funding of the 9/11 attacks after journalists tried to uncover connections between the hijackers and Saudis living in Florida at the time.
Florida Bulldog, an organization of investigative journalists, has been investigating connections between Saudis living in the US and the hijackers who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon in 2011. In total, 15 of the 19 hijackers involved were Saudi Arabian.
Judge Cecilia Altonaga ruled the FBI could keep secret certain portions of a 60-page document – a slide show called ‘Overview of the 9/11 investigation’ – the Herald Tribune reports.
Florida Bulldog sued the FBI in June 2016 for records from the 9/11 Review Commission. A redacted version of the 9/11 overview was released by the FBI in February.’
Read more: FBI allowed to hide details of secret 9/11 report – judge

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