Five more years of EU migration: Cabinet Remainers’ victory after agreeing ‘soft-landing’ transition period that will delay UK getting its borders back

‘The Cabinet has agreed to pursue a ‘soft-landing’ transition from the EU that could see free movement continue in all but name until 2022.
A senior government source told the Daily Mail that Remainers had declared victory in their battle for a lengthy transition period, despite fears it will slow the process of taking back control of Britain’s borders.
The source claimed leading Brexiteers such as Liam Fox, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have now signed up to the idea of a substantial ‘implementation phase’ after the UK leaves in 2019, in order to give business and government time to adjust to departure from the EU.
In return, Remainers such as Philip Hammond and Amber Rudd have finally accepted the idea that the UK will ultimately leave both the single market and the customs union.
The revelation about private Cabinet discussions comes days after Theresa May laid down the law about the need to maintain confidentiality following a string of damaging leaks.’
Read more: Five more years of EU migration: Cabinet Remainers’ victory after agreeing ‘soft-landing’ transition period that will delay UK getting its borders back 

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