Forget CHEAP Spanish holidays! Ryanair CEO say Brits will be heading to Pakistan instead
‘Michael O’Leary once again said Brexit will plunge Britain’s aviation industry into chaos unless it remains in the so-called EU’s ‘open skies’ agreement.
The Irish businessman told the European Parliament’s transport and tourism committee the UK Government does not have a “bulls notion” – Irish slang for not having a clue – how to prevent Britons being left unable to fly into European holiday hotspots.
Mr O’Leary has been a long-term critic of Brexit, claiming the UK will lose its ability to host airlines wanting to fly into mainland Europe.
Speaking in the EU Parliament, he said: “There are communications between us and the UK Government. I am sorry to report, they don’t have a bulls notion what they’re doing.’
Read More: Forget CHEAP Spanish holidays! Ryanair CEO say Brits will be heading to Pakistan instead
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