Frustrated at White House, Tillerson looks for an exit: Sources

‘The United States’ Secretary of State Rex Tillerson may be considering parting ways with the White House amid widening differences with President Donald Trump on a number of subjects, including on Iran, US sources say.
The CNN reported on Monday that Tillerson faced “a growing list of differences with the White House, including a new debate over Iran policy and personnel.”
A former CEO at the oil and gas giant ExxonMobil, Tillerson was appointed secretary of state after Trump secured an upset victory in the US presidential election in November last year. As America’s top diplomat, Tillerson would have been expected to play a considerable role in policy-making and have the president’s ear on foreign policy in particular.
But since assuming office in January this year, Tillerson has seen room shrinking for him in the president’s inner circle. On a number of major issues, he has either been sidelined, overruled, rebuked, or ignored altogether.’
Read more: Frustrated at White House, Tillerson looks for an exit: Sources

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