Fury of Tory MPs as foreign aid department drafts in 155 extra staff to help spend government’s ‘out of control’ £13billion budget

‘Tory MPs reacted with fury today after it emerged the foreign aid department has drafted in 155 extra staff to help spend the government’s £13billion budget.
The size of the workforce at the Department for International Development has gone up from 2,823 to 2,978 over the past year. The overall pay bill rose by £6million.
The spike in numbers, slipped out in DfID’s annual report, came after aid spending soared by an eye-watering 10 per cent.
The budget had to be pushed up massively to keep hitting the target of 0.7 per cent of national income abroad after the UK’s economic performance was revised up.
Theresa May has been resisting calls for the aid pot to be raided to meet demands for an easing of austerity, including easing the public sector pay cap.’
Read more: Fury of Tory MPs as foreign aid department drafts in 155 extra staff to help spend government’s ‘out of control’ £13billion budget

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