Gaza: Israel’s experiment on humans in a situation of extreme stress and deprivation

‘One of the biggest experiments involving human subjects ever conducted anywhere is taking place right before our eyes, and the world is silent.
The project is at its peak and the world shows no interest. This experiment on human beings, unsanctioned by any of the international scientific institutions whose oversight is required by the Helsinki Declaration, seeks to examine human behaviour in situations of extreme stress and deprivation.
The experimental group does not comprise just a few, nor dozens or hundreds, nor thousands or tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. The experimental population includes no fewer than two million human beings.
It’s hard to imagine the day-to-day routine in this sweltering heat with only two-and-a-half hours of electricity a day
Thus far they have stood the test amazingly well. While some turbulence is evident inside the pressure cooker within which they are confined, it has not yet exploded. The Gaza Strip is being watched to see when and in what form it will ultimately explode. This is apparently only a matter of time.’
Read more: Gaza: Israel’s experiment on humans in a situation of extreme stress and deprivation

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