Germans wary of government inaction on Turkey’s provocations: poll

‘A new poll released in Germany indicates that Germans have become increasingly wary of the way their government is handling an ongoing diplomatic crisis with Turkey, saying Berlin has not done enough to defend Germany against Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hate campaign against the Germans.
Results of the poll published in the German daily Bild am Sonntag on Sunday said 76 percent of the respondents thought that the government was not defending itself enough against Erdogan.
Some 12 percent disagreed with the idea of government inaction on Erdogan’s hate campaign against Germany, the poll, conducted by Emnid opinion research institute, said.
The survey also found that a growing number of Germans think Turkey was no longer a safe destination for their holiday-making. It said 44 percent said they can still go on holiday in Turkey.’
Read more: Germans wary of government inaction on Turkey’s provocations: poll

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