Gilad Atzmon on politics in music, Roger Waters, Palestine and humanitarianism

‘Recently, Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has been in the news, not for his North America musical tour but for his politics. As an outspoken supporter of Palestine, he has come up against the Israel lobby in many western countries.
Recently, various pro-Israel activists have financed the making of a film against Waters called Wish You Weren’t Here, a mockery of the Pink Floyd album and song Wish You Were Here.
Even among politically minded musicians, few talk about the Israel/Palestine issue. I recently spoke with acclaimed jazz musician, philosopher, social commentator and pro-Palestine thinker Gilad Atzmon about his reaction to the latest attempt to smear Roger Waters over his advocacy of Palestinian justice.’
Read more: Gilad Atzmon on politics in music, Roger Waters, Palestine and humanitarianism

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