GOP Lawmakers Block Popular Bill To Allow Medical Marijuana For Veterans

‘Yesterday, Republican lawmakers blocked a bipartisan proposal designed to allow Veterans Affairs doctors to recommend medical marijuana as a substitute to big pharma’s opioids where the drug is legal for veterans.
The House Committee stopped the “Veterans Equal Access” amendment from moving to debate on the House floor by keeping the measure out of the VA funding bill for next year.
One of the sponsors of the bill, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore), said in a statement he was “bitterly disappointed” on the failure to amend the proposed legislation. Confused about its failure despite bipartisan support of 9 Democrats and 9 Republicans Blumenauer said “somehow the 13 member House Rules Committee decided it wasn’t going to allow this amendment.”
“This is a subject that has gained a great deal more attention and momentum,” Blumenauer told McClatchy. “More people recognize that the VA has really failed our veterans when it has come to pain management, opioids, and opioid dependency.”’
Read more: GOP Lawmakers Block Popular Bill To Allow Medical Marijuana For Veterans

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