Government ‘Searches’ Conducted Using Smart Meters Considered ‘Reasonable’ by Industry Proponents

‘A shocking court filing by industry and smart meter proponents reveals the degree to which corporate and government interests will go to get these privacy-invading devices on our homes.
In the case of Naperville Smart Meter Awareness, v. City of Naperville, an amici curiae brief was recently filed by the American Public Power Association (APPA), Edison Electric Institute (EEI), and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). [1]
In that legal brief [1], smart meter proponents state that:
“A smart meter is not an ‘unreasonable’ search, but is a very reasonable means of advancing significant government interests.”
“The reasonableness of a search under the Fourth Amendment is determined by balancing its intrusion on the individual’s Fourth Amendment interests against its promotion of legitimate government interests.”’
Read more: Government ‘Searches’ Conducted Using Smart Meters Considered ‘Reasonable’ by Industry Proponents

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