Grenfell Tower survivors could be deported in 12 months despite government immigration amnesty

‘Theresa May has U-turned on a promise not to carry out immigration checks on Grenfell fire victims, leaving survivors who need help at risk of deportation if they come forward.
The Prime Minister pledged in Parliament not to use the tragedy as an excuse to check residents’ immigration status, but ministers confirmed anyone wanting help must register with Home Office officials and be subject to normal immigration rules after 12 months.
Downing Street confirmed to The Independent that what happens to survivors at that point would “depend on their circumstances”.
Campaigners had raised concerns victims may not come forward for help because they feared questions being raised about their immigration status, with Labour branding the Government’s newly unveiled approach as “grotesque”.’
Read more: Grenfell Tower survivors could be deported in 12 months despite government immigration amnesty

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