Hawaii prepares for ballistic missile threat from North Korea

‘Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea.
The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii legislators have been urging emergency management officials to update Cold War-era plans for coping with a nuclear attack as North Korea develops nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that can reach the islands.
Starting in November, Hawaii will begin monthly tests of an “attack-warning” siren the state hasn’t heard since the end of the Cold War in the 1980s.
The wailing siren will be tested on the first working day of each month, after a test of an “attention-alert” steady tone siren with which residents are already familiar.
Informational brochures, along with TV, radio and internet announcements will help educate the public about the new siren sound and provide preparedness guidance.’
Read more: Hawaii prepares for ballistic missile threat from North Korea

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