Human Rights Watch accuses Bangladesh of holding hundreds in secret jails

‘A prominent rights group has accused Bangladesh of secretly detaining hundreds of people, including scores of opposition activists, many of whom were later killed.
The New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report on Thursday that hundreds of people have been detained and held in secret locations in Bangladesh since 2013.
At least 90 people were the victims of enforced disappearance last year alone, according to the 82-page report titled “We Don’t Have Him’: Secret Detentions and Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh.”
The report documented at least 21 detainees who were later killed, and nine others whose whereabouts are still unknown.
In the first five months of this year, 48 people have already been reported missing.
Brad Adams, HRW’s Asia director, said that the government forces have a free hand in detaining people across the South Asian country.’
Read more: Human Rights Watch accuses Bangladesh of holding hundreds in secret jails

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