Illuminati Pop Stars – the In-Your-Face Conspiracy that Won’t Go Away

‘A continuous assault on the public psyche by the entertainment industrial complex aims to disorganize and derail the individual. It’s a world governed by terror, and to find relief from such continual fear and stress we’re invited to seek shelter in meaningless, self-destructive habits and pursuits. The celebrity role models in our culture lead the way, setting the example for how to abandon ourselves to the mainstream orgy of debauchery and stupidity.
Via the 24/7 news cycle format, the media keeps the shock and awe flowing, and corporate pop-culture is the escape. Pop stars are selected for their helplessness against the MK Ultra/Monarch-type mind control. This kind of programming is necessary to turn people into celebrity puppets whose behavior is to be emulated by the public. The stars that do this best become icons of Illuminati symbolism, using their careers and souls to pimp occult messages and ideas to the masses.’
Read more: Illuminati Pop Stars – the In-Your-Face Conspiracy that Won’t Go Away

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