Israeli military court begins trial of Palestinian human rights campaigner

‘A prominent Palestinian human rights activist has gone on trial in an Israeli military court on accusations of inciting violence.
Trial of the founder of al-Khalil (Hebron)-based Youth Against Settlements campaign group, Issa Amro, began at the Ofer military court in the occupied West Bank on Sunday. The trial of the 37-year-old activist was adjourned until October 22 after two witnesses testified.
An Israeli military spokesman has said evidence would be presented that Amro had “taken part in riots, attacks on soldiers, calls to violence, and prevented security forces from doing their work.” Two soldiers took the stand on Sunday and testified about a demonstration on February 26, 2016.
Speaking to reporters outside the court, Amro called the trial a “joke” and said he had no trust that Israel’s military justice system would treat him fairly.’
Read more: Israeli military court begins trial of Palestinian human rights campaigner

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