It’s Official: Impeachment Resolution against President Donald J. Trump. H. RES. 438

‘An impeachment motion against President Donald John Trump was introduced on July 12 in the US House of Representatives by Rep Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Rep Al Green (D-TX).
The Article of Impeachment (H. Res. 438) against President Donald J. Trump points to “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”.
According to Rep. Brad Sherman, “the Article is based on Article 1, dealing with “Obstruction of Justice,” which was passed by the Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan vote on July 27, 1974, regarding Richard M. Nixon.”
Sherman accuses Trump of “obstructing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election”. Article H RES. 438 calls for the removal of President Trump from office.
According to reports: “The effort is likely to stall in the Republican-controlled congress…” (Al Jazeera). There is no indication at this stage that Republicans would support an Impeachment procedure.
Read Sherman’s statement below, he refers to a resolution which will put Mike Pence into the White House.’
Read more: It’s Official: Impeachment Resolution against President Donald J. Trump. H. RES. 438

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