J-TV Documentary on the ‘Antisemitic’ Goyim (must watch)
By Gilad Atzmon
‘When you watch this loathsome J-TV ‘documentary’ ask yourself the following questions:
1. Would you choose to buy a secondhand car from David Hirsh or from Jeremy Corbyn?
2. Is this J-TV video made for general consumption by Brits or was it created to exacerbate delusional PRE TSD* within a single tribe?
3. In the video, Jewish academics claim to be racially oppressed (as ‘Semites’) by the Labour party. In fact, Semitism is not a racial category but a linguistic one. Still, this claim raises crucial questions:
a. Are Jews really a race? If so, what makes them believe that they are ‘Semites’?
b. If Jews aren’t a race, how can they be abused or discriminated against as a race?
c. Is it possible that Jews only see themselves as a racial collective when they claim to ‘suffer’ or when a Jew wins the Nobel Prize? I ask because I don’t remember Jews fighting to racially own Sir Philip Green, Lord Janner or Bernie Madoff.’
Read more: J-TV Documentary on the ‘Antisemitic’ Goyim (must watch)
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