Japan premier grilled in parliament amid falling popularity

‘Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, his ratings sinking over a suspected cronyism scandal, on Monday said he had never instructed officials to give preferential treatment to a long-time friend, adding that the latter had never sought favors.
Abe and his aides have repeatedly denied intervening to help Kake Gakuen, an educational institution whose director, Kotaro Kake, is a friend of the prime minister, win approval for a veterinary school in a special economic zone.
Abe’s support has plunged below 30 percent in opinion polls, hit by the suspected scandal and a perception among many voters that his administration is taking them for granted.
The slump is encouraging rivals and casting doubt on Abe’s prospects of becoming Japan’s longest-serving prime minister by winning a third three-year term when his current tenure ends in September 2018.’
Read more: Japan premier grilled in parliament amid falling popularity

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