Jordanians urge cancellation of ‘shameful’ peace treaty with Israel

‘Angered by a recent fatal shooting at the Israel embassy, Jordanians hold a demonstration in Amman demanding the government shut down the mission and scrap the unpopular 1994 peace treaty with Tel Aviv.
Protesters chanted slogans such as “Death to Israel” and “No Zionist embassy on Jordanian soil” during Friday’s protest near the Israeli mission in the Jordanian capital.
On Sunday, an Israeli embassy guard shot dead two Jordanians after one of them allegedly attacked him with a screwdriver.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry claimed that the guards had acted in self-defense.
However, Jordanian police said that the security officer shot the Jordanian victim, who worked for a furniture company and was delivering an order, after they got into a brawl.
The security man, along with the rest of the embassy staff, returned to the occupied territories under the protection of diplomatic immunity.’
Read more: Jordanians urge cancellation of ‘shameful’ peace treaty with Israel

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