Jordan’s king slams Benjamin Netanyahu over decision to recall Israeli shooter involved in diplomatic incident

‘Jordan’s King Abdullah II has slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of a shooting incident in the capital of Amman, calling his behaviour “unacceptable and provocative”.
An Israeli guard shot and killed two Jordanians after one of them attacked him with a screwdriver at the Israeli embassy on Monday.
The two countries have been engaged in a diplomatic stand off over Israel’s decision to recall the guard home, after the Jordanian authorities said they wanted him for questioning.
Mr Netanyahu’s conduct “angers us all, threatens regional security and fuels extremism,” the king told a meeting of Jordan’s National Policies Council (NPC) meeting at Al Husseiniya Palace on Thursday, calling for the shooter to stand trial.
“The Israeli prime minister is required to honour his responsibilities and take the necessary legal measures to ensure that the killer is tried and justice is served, rather than exhibiting political showmanship in dealing with this crime to score personal political points.”‘
Read more: Jordan’s king slams Benjamin Netanyahu over decision to recall Israeli shooter involved in diplomatic incident

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