Kuwait orders Iran ambassador to leave country within 45 days

‘Kuwait ordered the expulsion of the Iranian ambassador and 14 other diplomats for alleged links to a “spy and terror” cell, Iranian and Kuwaiti media reported on Thursday, worsening an unusual public dispute between the two countries.
Kuwait also told Iran’s cultural and military missions to shut down, following a court case that increased tensions between the Gulf Arab state and Tehran.
Iran responded to the expulsions by filing a complaint with the Kuwaiti charge d’affaires, the Iranian news agency ISNA said. ISNA also said Kuwait is allowing only four of 19 embassy staff to remain in the country. Some sources said those expelled were given 45 days to leave the country.
The expulsions were an unusual move for Kuwait, which avoids conflict and has worked at keeping good relations with all the countries in the region, and whose ruling emir is a regional diplomatic broker. Analysts said they thought the expulsion of the ambassador was the first ever by Kuwait.’
Read more: Kuwait orders Iran ambassador to leave country within 45 days

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