Labour take shock poll lead over Conservatives as ministers plot to oust ‘three-legged horse’ Theresa May in coup launched by series of autumn resignations

‘Labour have taken a shock poll lead over the Tories as ministers plot to oust Theresa May with a coup launched by a series of resignations in autumn.
The first YouGov survey since the General Election last month puts Jeremy Corbyn’s party eight points ahead.
The poll for The Times tonight revealed that 46 per cent of the public back Labour, Conservatives 38 per cent, Lib Dems 6 per cent and Ukip 4 per cent.
It comes as junior members of the Tory party described the British Prime Minister of being a ‘horse with a broken leg’ with a ‘self-indulgent’ Cabinet who are keeping her afloat.
A secret circle of ministers are reportedly are considering overthrowing Mrs May by stepping down before the party’s conference in Manchester in October.’
Read more: Labour take shock poll lead over Conservatives as ministers plot to oust ‘three-legged horse’ Theresa May in coup launched by series of autumn resignations

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