Labour threatens to BLOCK Brexit as Keir Starmer puts the Theresa May ‘on notice’ he will vote against her ‘great repeal bill’ unless she makes sweeping changes

‘Theresa May faces the prospect of a humiliating Commons defeat on her ‘great repeal bill’ after Labour said their MPs would not back it unless she made sweeping changes.
Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer said last night he was putting the Prime Minister ‘on notice’ of the changes he said needed to be made, including on workers’ rights and parliamentary scrutiny.
Mrs May publishes her key bill today and MPs will vote on it in the autumn, but Sir Keir is threatening to exploit the government’s small majority knowing that if Labour were joined by a handful of rebel Tory MPs, the Bill would be defeated.
Mrs May’s Bill, properly titled the European Union (withdrawal) Bill, is a key step towards Brexit as it will transpose EU law into UK law.
Sir Keir demanded concessions to the plans in six areas, including ensuring workers’ rights in the UK do not fall behind those in the EU, incorporating the European Charter of Fundamental Rights into UK law and limiting the scope of so-called ‘Henry VIII powers’, which could allow the Government to alter legislation without full parliamentary scrutiny.’
Read more: Labour threatens to BLOCK Brexit as Keir Starmer puts the Theresa May ‘on notice’ he will vote against her ‘great repeal bill’ unless she makes sweeping changes

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