Lifting emergency rule currently out of question, says Turkish president

‘Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ruled out an immediate end to the year-old state of emergency imposed following a failed coup last year.
Erdogan said in a speech to investors in the capital Ankara on Wednesday that the measure could only be lifted once the fight against terrorism was finished.
“There can be no question of lifting emergency rule with all this happening,” Erdogan said, adding, “We will lift the emergency rule only when we no longer need to fight against terrorism. Lifting the emergency rule can be possible in the not-too-distant future.”
The president said the end of emergency rule could be possible “in the not-too-distant future”. He gave no time frame for ending the emergency rule.
The state of emergency was initially imposed following the failed coup in the country on July 15, 2016. Since then, it has already been extended three times.’
Read more: Lifting emergency rule currently out of question, says Turkish president

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