Mainstream Media Now Advocating ‘All Citizens’ Spend Time In Prison As ‘Service’ To Country

‘Corporate media achieved a new level of absurdity last week, when Jesse Ball, writing for the Los Angeles Times, suggested every American be required to spend a stint behind bars every ten years as a veritable guarantee to improve conditions of incarceration in the United States.
In the piece titled, “Everyone should go to jail, say, once every ten years,” Ball writes,
A notable demand that is made upon the citizens of the United States of America is that of jury duty. Although many despise, hate and avoid it, there is a general sense that the task is necessary. We believe a society is only just if everyone shares in the apportionment of guilt.
To this demand of jury duty, I would like to add another, and in the same spirit. I propose that all citizens of the United States of America should serve a brief sentence of incarceration in our maximum-security penitentiaries. This service, which would occur for each person once in a decade, would help ensure that the quality of life within our prisons is sufficient for the keeping of human beings.’
Read more: Mainstream Media Now Advocating ‘All Citizens’ Spend Time In Prison As ‘Service’ To Country

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