‘Make America Sick Again’: Democrats blast passage of Trump administration’s smog bill

‘The House of Representatives has voted to pass Republican-backed legislation blocking regulations which reduce smog-causing air pollutants. The bill’s supporters say it will help job creators while opponents argue it would cost lives.
The Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017, which, if signed into law, would scrap the implementation of air pollution standards for the next eight years. The guidelines were issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Barack Obama in 2015.
Those regulations reduced the allowed amount of ground-level ozone from 75 parts per billion (ppb) to 70 ppb.
“The bill would delay lifesaving protections against ozone pollution, exposing Americans to unnecessary pollution levels that will lead to asthma attacks and premature deaths that could have been prevented,” said Harold P. Wimmer, head of the American Lung Association, one of over a dozen health organizations opposing the bill.
Wimmer called it a “direct assault” on the right of Americans to breathe healthy air.’
Read more: ‘Make America Sick Again’: Democrats blast passage of Trump administration’s smog bill

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