Michigan man gets jail time for distributing jury nullification flyers outside courthouse

‘A former pastor has been sentenced to eight weekends in jail for jury tampering after distributing pamphlets on a sidewalk in front of a Michigan courthouse. The man argued he was exercising his free speech rights while advocating for jury nullification.
On Friday, District Judge Kimberly Booher ordered Keith Wood to serve eight weekends in jail, six months of probation and pay fines, according to WMXI.
The prosecution asked the judge to sentence Wood to 45 days in jail, but defense attorneys argued that was inappropriate since Wood has no prior criminal record, is self-employed and he is the only financial supporter for his wife and eight children.
Booher agreed to a shortened sentence, but said it would be inappropriate for him not to serve jail time. “He’s going straight to jail today,” Booher said, according to WMXI.’
Read more: Michigan man gets jail time for distributing jury nullification flyers outside courthouse

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