Militants kill seven bus passengers in western Afghanistan

‘Afghan authorities have recovered the bullet-riddled bodies of seven passengers kidnapped by militants a day earlier in the country’s troubled west.
Police spokesman Iqbal Baher said on Wednesday that security forces had recovered the bodies in Farah province. Six civilians and one police officer were among those killed by the militants, he added.
The passengers were abducted in province of Farah a day earlier, in an attack blamed on Taliban militant group.
“It is not clear why the Taliban kidnapped and killed them, and we are still unsure about the fate of the remaining kidnapped passengers,” media outlets quoted Baher as saying.
The violence came after Taliban militants closed a highway connecting the provincial capital, Farah, to the city of Herat late Tuesday. The armed men stopped a bus and forced 16 passengers to get off.
According to police, they shot at least seven of them, while the remaining nine were taken hostage.’
Read more: Militants kill seven bus passengers in western Afghanistan

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