Missouri reverses minimum wage from $10 an hour to $7.50

‘Bucking the trend of other states to raise minimum wages to $15 an hour, Missouri’s Republican Governor allowed a bill to pass into law that blocks cities and municipalities from setting their own minimum wage to keep it at the statewide standard of $7.50 an hour.
The bill will affect those minimum wage workers in St. Louis who are currently making $10 an hour after winning a two-year legal fight against business groups who challenged a 2015 city ordinance authorizing an increase.
Under that city law, the wage was set to rise again in January to $11 an hour, then increase annually with inflation.
“It will kill jobs,” Missouri Governor Eric Greitens said of the increase, according to the St. Louis Dispatch. “And despite what you hear from liberals, it will take money out of people’s pockets.”’
Read more: Missouri reverses minimum wage from $10 an hour to $7.50

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