Monitoring group: US coalition killed 744 civilians in Iraq and Syria in June

‘A UK-based monitoring group has announced that at least 744 civilians have been killed in US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria last month.
On Wednesday, Airwars, a London-based independent group of researchers and journalists, stressed that the number of concurrent airstrikes on Raqqah in Syria and Mosul in Iraq was “devastating.”
The toll is subsequently higher than the 603 civilians the US military claims were killed since it began its anti-terror operations in the region in 2014.
Airwars Director Chris Woods stressed that the US’ goal of “annihilation” of Daesh terrorists is placing civilians at a high level of risk.
Airwars noted that between 529 and 744 of the civilians were killed in June, which marks a 50-percent increase from the previous month’s tally.
“While it was always predicted that high civilian casualties would occur during the assaults on Raqqah and Mosul, this alone cannot explain the very high fatalities we and other monitors, NGOs and international agencies are tracking,” said Woods.’
Read more: Monitoring group: US coalition killed 744 civilians in Iraq and Syria in June

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