Moroccans in Hoceima hold rally amid police crackdown

‘Protesters have marched in the Moroccan city of al-Hoceima defying a government ban.
The Thursday protest march, which was held amid tight security measures and the governing coalition’s appeal for peace, is the latest in a series of demonstrations that have shaken the country’s northern Rif region.
Organizers of the protest, who had dubbed the demonstration a “million-man march”, had vowed to go ahead with the protest rally despite the tight restrictions imposed by authorities.
Earlier, media had reported a significant police presence around Hoceima, which is the main port in the Rif, with police preventing people from entering the town.
Rif residents have long complained of neglect and marginalization by the central government.’
Read more: Moroccans in Hoceima hold rally amid police crackdown

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