Moscow says preparing ‘tough response’ to US closure of Russian diplomatic compounds

‘Moscow is working on retaliatory measures for the closure in the US of two Russian diplomatic compounds and expulsion of 35 diplomats, as Washington stalls on the issue, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, amid reports that US officials could be expelled.

“This situation is just outrageous,” Lavrov said, noting that the two diplomatic compounds confiscated by the Obama administration in December of 2016 have still not been released.
“I believe that it is just shameful for such a great country as the US, which champions international law, to leave the situation in suspension,” the top Russian diplomat said, adding the confiscation was just a final spasm of an administration trying to do maximum damage to US-Russian relations and everything possible to maneuver the new Trump administration into an awkward position.’

Read more: Moscow says preparing ‘tough response’ to US closure of Russian diplomatic compounds

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