MSM Distorts OPCW Non-Confirmed Report That Assad Used Sarin In Chemical Attack

‘CNN and other corporate media outlets are once again alight with “proof” that Assad used chemical weapons against civilians in Khan Sheikhoun. So what, exactly, is their proof? Well, they don’t have any. That shouldn’t be surprising in and of itself but it is at least entertaining the lengths to which corporate media outlets and Western governments will go to blame their own crimes against humanity on the Syrian government in order to justify new Western crimes against humanity.
Nevertheless, the Western corporate media is eagerly reporting the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) has “found” that sarin was indeed used at Khan Sheikoun, then spending the rest of their “reports” pointing the finger at the government of Bashar al-Assad.
In this regard, two points must be made.’
Read more: MSM Distorts OPCW Non-Confirmed Report That Assad Used Sarin In Chemical Attack

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