Netanyahu touts land swap with future Palestine in talks with US officials – report

‘Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly suggested Tel Aviv may dispose of several Israeli Arab villages, exchanging them for Jewish West Bank settlements, while discussing the Arab-Israeli peace process with top US officials, Israeli media reports.
The topic was allegedly brought up during a phone call between Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner and US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, Israel’s Channel 2 reported Thursday, citing unidentified US officials.
While it is not clear when the leaked conversation exactly took place, Channel 2 reported that Netanyahu and the US officials exchanged their visions of a final map that would draw a line under a decades-old Israel-Palestine conflict a few weeks ago.
Unveiling details of the plan, proposed by Netahyahu, the channel reported that Israel would hand over villages with a predominantly Arab population located in Wadi Ara area in the Haifa District to Palestine. In return, Israel would seek to annex a cluster of Jewish settlements in the Gush Etzion block in the West Bank.’
Read more: Netanyahu touts land swap with future Palestine in talks with US officials – report

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