New US Russia sanctions ‘absolutely unacceptable,’ come at expense of EU jobs – Austrian chancellor


‘The Austrian chancellor has joined the chorus of EU officials criticizing the latest US sanctions against Russia, saying it is “absolutely unacceptable” for his country to cave in to Washington’s policies at the expense of European jobs.
“I consider the Russia sanctions imposed by the US absolutely unacceptable,” Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern wrote on Facebook on Wednesday. “Confusing political interests with economic interests at the expense of European jobs is a no-go.”
“Energy supply of Europe is a matter for Europe!” Kern added.
The new anti-Russian sanctions are outlined in an amendment to a wider bill imposing measures against Iran. It was approved by the US House of Representatives on July 25 by an overwhelming majority of 419-3, but still needs to pass the US Senate and be signed by the president to become law.
The legislation seeks to introduce individual sanctions for contributing in Russian energy projects, and targets major sectors of Russia’s economy, including the defense, railway and banking industries. It also outlines steps to hamper the construction of the Gazprom-run flagship gas pipeline project Nord Stream 2.’
Read more: New US Russia sanctions ‘absolutely unacceptable,’ come at expense of EU jobs – Austrian chancellor

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