Nikki Haley Seeks Ancient Neocon Wisdom From Demonic Walrus Moustache John Bolton

‘We are all deeply nostalgic for the days of yore—the days before Nikki Haley was muzzled by the State Department—when our favorite South Carolina peach made daily headlines with her barely literate, Facebook-rant diplomacy.
Of course, in accordance with official Trump policy, Haley is still allowed to preach from the Bible of Bomb Iran; so her status as a rogue psycho has been downgraded to “standard psycho”.
But there’s always room for improvement. After all, Haley is an unexperienced greenhorn when compared to the seasoned war criminals who usually infest the United Nations. But has Haley been taking advantage of her privileged status to absorb the wisdom of those who sought to bomb Iran before her?’
Read more: Nikki Haley Seeks Ancient Neocon Wisdom From Demonic Walrus Moustache John Bolton

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