Nissan’s Really Bad Idea Comes to Fruition

It might seem like a recipe for disaster, but electric car drivers could soon use the same pedal to accelerate and brake.

Nissan claim the device is a ‘revolutionary technology that transforms the way we drive’.

Their E-pedal is being introduced in the new Leaf model, scheduled for release in September.

The new kit will be controlled via a switch, which will turn the accelerator into an e-Pedal.

This will allow drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just this pedal.

Breaking suddenly will still require use of the break pedal.

And the pedals will function normally while not in e-Pedal mode.

But in slow moving traffic and built up areas, it could provide a convenient one pedal driving capability.

That’s provided you don’t get too comfortable and forget the need to break sharply when called for.

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The e-Pedal will let drivers bring the car to a complete stop even on hills, stay in position, and resume driving instantly.

Speed will be controlled by pressing the accelerator as normal.

Taking your foot off the accelerator will cause the car to reduce in speed and come to a complete stop eventually.

Even on steep inclines, applying the handbrake will be unnecessary while in e-pedal mode.

In a written statement, a company spokesman said: ‘The e-Pedal technology represents another key milestone in Nissan’s ongoing commitment to bring accessible, advanced driver assistance technologies to the mainstream.

The new kit will be controlled via a switch (pictured), which will turn the accelerator into an e-Pedal. This will allow drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just this pedal

The new kit will be controlled via a switch (pictured), which will turn the accelerator into an e-Pedal. This will allow drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just this pedal

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The post Nissan’s Really Bad Idea Comes to Fruition appeared first on LewRockwell.

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