Not Just For Humans — Watch CBD Oil Stop This Dog’s Seizure In Under A Minute

‘Over the past couple of years, we have seen more and more videos showing the miraculous ability of cannabis to stop seizures in their tracks. From oil extracts to nasal sprays, the proof is now undeniable that cannabis is medicinal and offers a real solution for those suffering from debilitating seizures.
And it’s not just for humans. Man’s best friend can have seizures, too, and they can also be stopped with cannabis extracts.
A recent video uploaded to Facebook shows CBD oil stop a dog’s seizure in under a minute. Kevin Spitler of the Toledo Hemp Center in Toledo, Ohio posted the video, which has more than 440,000 views at the time of this writing.
As the video begins, the dog is in the midst of what appears to be a seizure, head shaking uncontrollably. The owner shows the bottle of CBD oil to the camera just before administering to his dog.’

Read more: Not Just For Humans — Watch CBD Oil Stop This Dog’s Seizure In Under A Minute

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