OJ and Air Bags

OJ – who almost certainly killed two people and definitely got away with it – didn’t get away with participating in an armed robbery and kidnapping.

He got 33 years, served about 9 – and is scheduled to be released this fall.

Oliver Schmidt – the VW engineer who “cheated” Uncle – is looking at 169 years. He didn’t kill anyone or even trip them up. Yet if convicted, he will be taken out of circulation for life.

Several of them.

Who would you rather have running loose?

OJ? Or Schmidt?

It gives you a sense of the government’s priorities.

Time to buy old US gold coins

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe says: “We can’t put companies in jail (he means prison) but we can hold their employees personally accountable.”

Unlike, say, the employees of the government.

Who routinely and deliberately get people killed and are almost never put in prison and rarely even scolded.

Forget “accountable.”

Consider the Takata air bag scandal – which by the way gets much less in the way of media coverage than the Oh, the humanity! coverage given Dieselgate. And not just Takata bags but airbags generally.

They have killed. Not “probably,” like OJ.


Hundreds of times (see here).

And hundreds of those victims being kids.

These deaths were not “accidental,” either. An accident being defined as some unforeseeable event, an act of God, etc.

The government regulators who issued the original air bag fatwa knew air bags were dangerous. They were told – by engineers, guys who know stuff – that air bags were certain to hurt people, especially kids and older people. The government regulators deliberately ignored the engineers in furtherance of what, to the bureaucrats, was a Greater Good.

Unless, of course, it happened to be your kid or elderly mother who wound up dead because an air bag snapped their neck. How is it that this is not considered to be criminal and worthy of prosecution?

What was it OJ said?

It happens!

Yes, it does. But when the government does it, there are almost never consequences, particularly criminal consequences.


The Chimp – George W. Bush – deliberately lied to the public in order to confect the war hysteria he and his bloodthirsty allies needed as a pretext for their pre-arranged agenda to invade a country – Iraq – that had not attacked the United States nor threatened to attack it. A manufactured war, exactly like the German (and Soviet) invasion of Poland in 1939.

Tens of thousands of people were killed and an entire country wrecked.

A war crime. German leaders were hanged for theirs.

Read the Whole Article

The post OJ and Air Bags appeared first on LewRockwell.

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