Over 60 students detained in Venezuela protest: Opposition leader

‘More than 60 students have been detained by Venezuelan security forces during the latest anti-government protests in the Latin American country, an opposition student leader says.
Daniel Ascanio, student leader from Simon Bolivar University, said Friday that police had apprehended 62 students during the latest wave of unrest.
About half of them, he said, had been detained a day earlier while trying to march to offices of the electoral authority in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas.
Insisting that they had been protesting “peacefully,” he said, “There is no reason for them to be detained.”
Police fired tear gas and shotguns to disperse students, who had gathered on Thursday to demand the release of their friends and classmates in the wake of weeks-long protests against President Nicolas Maduro.’
Read more: Over 60 students detained in Venezuela protest: Opposition leader

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