Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif dismisses graft report as ‘slander’

‘Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has for the first time explicitly rejected a report from a corruption investigation that raised questions about the source of his family’s wealth.
Sharif in a statement after meeting his cabinet in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on Thursday described the probe as “slander.”
“The JIT report about our family businesses are the sum of hypotheses, accusations and slander,” the statement read, adding, “Accusations amounting to billions are being made here but no wrongdoing has been proven.”
The Joint Investigation Team (JIT), set up by the Supreme Court to investigate corruption claims that surfaced following the Panama Papers leak, spent two months probing the Sharif family’s wealth and gave its finding to the court on Monday.’
Read more: Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif dismisses graft report as ‘slander’

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