Pentagon Looses Track of $6.5 Trillion Embezzled ‘Unaccounted Funds’ at Expense of US Tax Payers

‘Catherine Austin Fitts just published documentation of Department of Defense (DOD) official audit reports from 1998 that acknowledge “losing track” of $6.5 trillion, along with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) admission of “losing” over $100 billion. This is euphemistically termed “unaccounted,” and literally means that DOD agrees they received these funds, agrees the funds are gone, and then claims to not have records of where the money went…
…I wrote last year upon publication of DOD’s report. Of course, such “official” looting never happens with lawful accounting because records always show where the money goes. This would be like your bank agreeing they received a $65,000 deposit from you, agreeing the money was gone, and not refunding your account while claiming no further information of this “unaccountable,” “lost,” and “missing” money.
The most common historical explanation of governments “losing” money is, of course, embezzlement to enrich an oligarchy.’

Read more: Pentagon Looses Track of $6.5 Trillion Embezzled ‘Unaccounted Funds’ at Expense of US Tax Payers

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