Poland MPs approve court reform in defiance of protests, EU

‘Poland’s senate approved a controversial reform of the Supreme Court early Saturday, despite warnings from the European Union, appeals from Washington and massive street protests against the measure.
The legislation, which was pushed through by parliament Wednesday, was approved by 55 senators, with 23 opposed and two abstentions.
During the 15-hour debate thousands of demonstrators took to the streets nationwide to protest the law, which reinforces political control over the Supreme Court.
After the vote, protesters gathered in front of parliament shouting “Shame!” “Traitors!” and “Democracy!”
The reform of the Supreme Court, which supervises lower courts, still needs to be signed by President Andrzej Duda, himself from the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, to become law.’
Read more: Poland MPs approve court reform in defiance of protests, EU

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