Police Beat Black Teenager After Mistaking Her for a Larger Bald Black Male Suspect

‘A black teenager was confronted by police, punched by an officer and bitten by an officer’s K-9 dog after the officers mistakenly identified her for a larger bald, black man suspected of threatening people nearby with a machete.
The incident took place June 18, but 19-year-old Tatyana Hargrove’s altercation with Bakersfield, Calif. police officers has been gaining traction this week after the Bakersfield NAACP chapter posted a video on its Facebook page of Hargrove describing the event. In the video, which has more than 4 million views to date, Hargrove is standing on crutches and displays visible scratches and bruises.
Hargrove explained that she was walking home from a local store when she was stopped by police while taking a water bottle out of her bag. She said three police cruisers were positioned behind her, and that one of the officers already had his gun drawn when he stepped out of the vehicle.’

Read more: Police Beat Black Teenager After Mistaking Her for a Larger Bald Black Male Suspect

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